Sunday, March 25, 2012

Massachusetts health care 5-year lobbying topped $51M

AP: Mass. health care 5-year lobbying topped $51M
March 25, 2012

A review of Massachusetts lobbying records finds hospitals, insurers and other health care providers spending tens of millions of dollars lobbying Beacon Hill lawmakers.

During the five years since the state passed its landmark 2006 health care overhaul, the amount spent on lobbying by the industry topped $51.6 million.

The spending comes as lawmakers weigh sweeping changes to rein in soaring health care costs.

The Associated Press review finds that nine of the top 10 health care groups broke the $1 million lobbying mark during the past five years.

The top spender was Partners HealthCare. It spent more than $2.9 million from 2007 to 2011.

Partners is followed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans, the Massachusetts Nurses Association and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.

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